
Archive for March 18th, 2009


It’s funny how engaging people how standing up for what we belive in may be intimidating confrontation… but, at the same time, we can learn beautiful things.  For example, this thread at an ED forum that believes that obesity is a huge health problem…

Reading through that thread reminded me of the concept of joyful movement.  Because I have a history of over-exercising and exercise bulimia, joy in relation to movement can be a hard connection for me to remember, but I am so glad that I was reminded of it in that thread.  It is just so easy to get into that mindset that exercise is a pain and is boring and just sucks… instead of remembering that it can be really fun and JOYFUL!  So, today I engaged in some joyful yoga and it felt so lovely… ahhhh… just beautiful.

While it is depressing that an influential eating disorder forum puts pressure on it’s obese and larger members to lose that “death fatz,” it is nice to be reminded that exercise can be joyful… and that there is a fatosphere on the internet for anyone to find, if they get tired of being told how they need to lose weight to be healthy.  Meh.

Inspiration can be found in the funniest places… hehehehehe… sometimes life is so beautiful…


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