
Archive for April, 2009


I am moved to call out some size-acceptance blog posts.  In addition to these posts being highlightable in and of themselves, they also are related to the stuff Sas and I have been delving into lately.  Bonus!

Mouthfeel’s Peggy Nature frames the body and dieting in a way that I think is very compassionate and insightful here

Tantalizing tidbit:

[I]n my experience, treating my body like a machine has not ended well. Treating it like an expensive outfit designed to impress other people has not ended well. Treating it like an unruly child or pet who needs to be reckoned with and brought under submission has not ended well. And I’ve lived for long periods of time where it was as if my body and myself were no longer on speaking terms.

If you want to find out what does work, you gotta go check out her post.  As a neat extra, she links body acceptance to Star Wars.  Awesomeness!!!


Next, we have Welshwmn3 at A Day in the Fat Life talks about how fellow blogger Big Liberty helped her to better understand dieting as self-harm.  (And, I just realized BigLiberty is not on my blog roll!  Oh… that is so getting fixed as soon as I post this!)

Which brings to my mind that old cliche “no pain – no gain.”  How many times did I have that idiotic phrase thrown at me.    This “no pain – no gain” junk can translate into the mind that self-harm is a good thing… maybe even a self-loving thing.  Linear thinking could stretch this out to the idea that the more pain – the more gain… so self-torture is somehow a good thing.  This is how it all cropped up in my mind anyway. 

While challenges can feel so satisfying and rewarding – real suffering is a sign that something harmful may be going on.  The journey towards all kinds of goals can be enjoyable.  In my experience, allowing some enjoyment in so that the journey is a more effective way to achieve goals. 


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I got annoyed today when Abilene (pictured above) waddled into my lap just as I was starting meditation… and then I thought, wait!  Maybe she can help!  Abilene is a very cool character (and the pic above doesn’t come close to doing her justice… I took the pics with my phone).  She doesn’t get ruffled easily and loves to sit quietly in a lap.  So, I slowly and rythmically petted her while focusing on my own breathing… and it was the best meditation I have ever been able to practice while still in my own home!  It is way easy for me to be distracted at home, but with Abilene there purring and breathing with me I felt as if I was at a meditation center and was far better able to quiet my mind.  Has anyone else every tried pet-assisted meditation?  I think I’m going to be trying this regularly now… it is way too awesome if you have a pet that is willing to just BE with you and won’t cause distractions.

Twenty minutes into meditation, my mind started getting wily, so I took a short break… and Abilene changed position… then we meditated some more.  She’s so beautiful:


My therapist told me some things yesterday that inspired more motivation for me to meditate.  I told her that when I’m emotionally overwhelmed, my reaction is usually to sleep… then I wake up grounded.  When things are emotionally really tough, it becomes hard for me to stay awake.  Recently circumstances triggered me enough so that my fear of men has been super-active for the last few days.  It has not been fun and it has been causing an annoying amount of sleep.  My therapist suggested that meditation is rejuvenating and that if I could ground myself via meditation BEFORE I got to the “I’m so overwhelmed that I’m going to pass-out for three hours” stage that I might be able to sleep less and live more.  She also told me that sleep is rejuvenating, but meditation is too and in some ways meditation is even more effective than sleep.  Well… that sold me.  I have been meditating on and off for years and I think I’ve gotten fairly good at it… but a regular practice has been hard for me to keep, because I have this craving to know WHY stuff works.  If I don’t know WHY, keeping a regular practice is very hard.  I like to know the mechanism… the nuts and bolts… otherwise I have a very hard time getting myself to do some things … like meditating.  😉 

Do ya’all meditate?  Have you tried animal assisted meditation?  Do you have any info nuggets about meditation you can share to inspire more motivation in all of us to meditate more?

There is another cat in my lap now.  He seems pretty grounded himself, so I’m going to try for another 10 minutes of sitting with him and then I’m getting onto some laundry.  In the meantime – folks, don’t be shy to share your meditation stories!  At the very least, you will have my gratitude, because the more I know (good or bad doesn’t matter… I just want facts) the more I get bring this into my life.  That is just how I work.  😉


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a5b90652833be1141When I think about the changes I’ve made in the past three years, my mind goes back to the first books I read that started me on my road to intuitive eating.  The author who made such a huge impact on me was Geneen Roth.  I can never say enough great things about this woman and her books.  There are other books in my collection that mean a lot to me for different reasons but when I think back to my beginnings of self-acceptance and intuitive eating, I think of Ms. Roth.

The books by Ms. Roth were where I first heard about legalizing foods.  OMG!  Eating whatever I wanted?  (I’m not going into the other crucial things like eating without distraction, eating when hungry and stopping when full, I’m just focusing solely on legalization in this post.)  I loved legalizing foods!  Or at least I thought I loved legalizing foods.  Truth be told, I just loved eating everything.  I missed out on what I’ve only just now figured out is the real meaning of legalizing foods.

Legalizing foods.  “L-E-G-A-L-I-Z-I-N-G” 

I’m almost embarrassed that this just hit me but I’ve gone about this the wrong way.  Sure, I’ve gone out and bought my favorite foods – pop tarts and tater tots! – I’ve eaten pop tarts and tater tots to the point of not wanting another pop tart ot tater tot for a long time.  BUT I didn’t really legalize them.  To legalize them would mean to take the guilty stigma off of them…not eat them until I get sick of them.  I still see brown sugar cinnamon pop tarts and tater tots as  “bad” foods only to be eaten in secret.  That’s not legalizing.  Legalizing them would be to have them in the house in multiple quantities and not be afraid of them.

This may seem very remedial to some but, for me, this is a huge breakthrough!  I’m actually quite excited to have made this discovery.   For a split second I got really disappointed in myself for feeling like I was starting this all over again and then I got excited all over again…I’m grasping things now for the first time!!  It may be the first time but the point is, I’m grasping things!


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The title of the photo up top of this post is “community meeting.”  Cute, yes?  I also think it is fitting.  Regular commenter h0tm0mma recently posted a comment about a problem she faces and I decided to make it its own post for various reasons.  😉  Speaking for myself, I love to challenge folks when they are struggling.  Last I knew, Sas did too (correct me if I’m wrong 😉 ) and these kinda posts are right up our alley.  Second, I think this particular issue that our commentor brought up is something that lots of folk can relate to and benefit from seeing it challenged…. so here goes…

Says h0tm0mma:


My main concern which also pertains to self-care is why can’t I comment here;


I REALLY want this lady to know, for the most part that she is not alone and I feel her, can you help me b/c my comment to that is (if she’s reading) is;

“I wanted to comment on your “I Need To Vent” post but was unable to,so here’s what I have to say about that;

Holy Heck!!!

First off, I can never, EVER know the kind of pain and distress brought on by having a child with this condition! I do, however have a Daughter who is Type1 Diabetic and I TOTALLY and FULLY hear you on the health insurance/co-pay issues!!!

I have to cram 4 ppl in a tiny room in my abusive Mother’s house b/c we got evicted, we have no car and I’ve had to push her Doctor’s appointment she sorely needs back by 2 months!

Why? No car and no co-pay money!! I also really feel you on the Government assistance thing! Makes too much? Hello? Do they even SEE how much the health insurance/co-pays are costing? It’s frickin’ ridiculous!  This post really almost made me cry, I really feel a lot (but, obviously not ALL) of what you’re saying!

Having a sick child or a child with a condition SUCKS!!! Not to mention not having the necessary funds for basic living much less the extras!

My heart, soul and entire BEING go out to you! God Bless and keep your head up!”

So… why do you feel that you can’t comment at that blog?  Is there some real restriction or do you just not feel that your support isn’t worth posting?  Or.. maybe you’re feeling shy?  LOL… you?  Shy?  Okay, I have a hard time imagining that, but it could be possible.    So… what’s the dealy?



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It is time to post a celebration of self-care in action.  😉  This kinda thing helps remind me that self-care is a good thing when my brain goes all wonky and thinks that I don’t deserve any kind care and should just scrape by with only enough to not be in too too much pain.  *headdesk*

I totally forgot how important a good fitting bra is.  I have spent months with these stupid bras that weren’t big enough around the rib cage.  It really annoys me that bra makers seem to think that my rib cage size is something that shouldn’t or doesn’t exist in nature.  Even as a thin woman, I still had a hard time finding 38’s or 40’s that would fit me.  Since I don’t have a job right now, I have been trying to manage braless.  I am a pretty modest dresser, so a sweatshirt over a t-shirt so my bralessness didn’t cause annoying stares worked beautifully… sorta.  The main problem was my cats.  What is it about cats and nipples???!!!!????  It’s like they have nipple-dar on their feet!  They know JUST where to step and for months I have been crying out in pain several times a day, because I didn’t realize some cat was about to walk across me and step down on one nipple and then the other… and then they’d look at me like I was some kinda nut for yelping in pain.  It doesn’t help that three of my four cats are very large cats!  And, when I did wear one of my old (too small) bras, I’d have really bad back pain for days afterward.  I didn’t make the backpain/bra connection until very recently, otherwise I would’ve had new bras a long time ago.  Not only that, but not wearing a bra was messing with my back too. 

Now, I’m not one to think women HAVE to wear bras as some obligation.  I happen to be one of those women who like to wear them – most of the time.  Boob whip-lash is something I have always hated and I generally prefer something nice and supportive.  So… I went to Target.  It has been years since I went anywhere but a Macy’s type store for bras.  As a teen, once, I bought horrible bras from Walmart and in reaction decided to pay a mint for all bras going forward.  Well, money is tight now, so I gave Target a try.  Whooo hoooooo!!!  I had to really dig to find my size, but I found a few that fit me and OMG I feel SO MUCH BETTER!  All this reminds me of the importance of wearing clothes that fit in general… not just bras.  It has been straight depressing to not have good fitting bras and to avoid wearing my tight bras when I like wearing them generally!  And yay for bras that don’t cost an arm and a leg!  Whooo hoooooooooooooo!  Yay Target!  Not to mention that my cats seem way happier without me yelping in pain all the time and startling them.  When we take care of ourselves, our loved ones benefit too… 😉

On the otherhand, this whole experience underlines to me the pain that the majority of clothes designers create for women of size.  I’m 5’9″ and somewhere in the overweight range and 90% of the time, I cannot find clothes for myself.  I remember SweetMachine (at ShapelyProse) describing herself as an “in-betweenie.”  Yeah… me too.  The “normal” sizes are usually too small and the “plus-sizes” are often too big.  There are a handful of stores that have plus-sizes that work for me… NYC & Co, JCP’s, Old Navy… and that’s really about it…. sigh….  Anyway, I’m starting to feel like a lack of nice clothes that feel good is an attack on self-esteem of some kind…. it makes me so mad.  It makes me wish I could sew, so I could make a spiffy plus-sized line for women who aren’t of the average or smaller body type that most clothes designers seem to make clothes for. 

Otherwise, I am rediscovering the miracle (for me) that is ritalin.  I’ve been on it for a while now (four months, I think?) and I am STILL seeing improvements in my focus.  Focusing is becoming more and more FUN.  I’m loving “taking my brain for a spin” by trying new things that require more and more focus.  I’ve found myself reading articles about improving concentration and actually being able to implement some of the advice.  Pre-ritalin I was way too all over the place to get almost any focusing technique to work for me.  I can’t believe how much I suffered… and what is more unbelievable to me is that for my whole life, I thought this suffering was normal. 

The moral of this story is to not be shy when it comes to self-care and self-love – these things pay off in ways you might not be able to envision before you enact them.  Besides, YOU ARE WORTH IT.  And, so am I.  Every now and then I forget this and rediscover it, but I’ve noticed that with more acceptance work that I forget this less often and remember it faster when I do.  Here’s to increasingly shallower valleys of self-care and peaks that seem to just keep getting higher and more amazing!

I know a lot of my readers are good at self-care and prolly have some things they could teach me… for those of you who struggle: Where do you struggle with self-care and why?


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I’ve been noticing lately that those thoughts when I look in the mirror and “see” undiscipline have been coming back… and I realized (yet again) that this is not even close to being true.  Not.  Even.  Close. 

I’m using this pic of me again to remind myself what I look like and who I am… that I am not just this blob of undiscipline that I envision in my worst moments.  I believe what has triggered this was hauling out last year’s summer clothes.  Normally, I gain weight in the winter and then lose it in spring, summer and fall.  The winter really brings me down and the cold is very painful to me.  So anyway… last year’s summer clothes are (in large part) unwearable.  Thoughts pop into my head that I should feel some guilt over this… that I somehow haven’t been “good” over the winter and that I have become some lazy slob since then.  *headdesk*

And, I realized that undisciplined is the last thing I am.  Sheesh… these last few months I’ve been eating healthier than I ever have in my entire life (that I can remember anyway) and healthier than anyone I can think of…. and this has been effortless.  I don’t restrict the foods I love that society too often finds “sinful.”  At the same time, I have ignited a love affair with vegetables.  It is pretty sweet.  I have made an effort to add more activity to my life.  I have challenged myself.  I have treated myself well.  And yet, I am still fatter than last summer.  Yet, I am still plus-sized and can’t even dream about thinking of fitting into anything non-plus-sized today.  What the heck is all this judging based on appearances??!!??  Do I not even KNOW me?  The last thing I am is undisciplined and yet, I am fat.  This is the case for so many fat people and right now all the judgement we get from society is really pissing me off. 

I’ve also noticed that I haven’t felt worthy of feeling sexy or beautiful, because I have seen myself as such an undisciplined moron.  I have felt like I have no sexuality at all.  I have felt like I wasn’t worthy of being a female.  It has sucked… and ya know what?  I am over it.  I deserve better than this and I don’t have to live like this.  I am remembering that I am sexy and that I am beautiful and that I am a woman.  It is time to own these REALITIES again.

I learned long ago that eating disorder/depression/ptsd/non-acceptance recovery isn’t this perfect straight-line trend up into perfection.  It is a hilly ride and right now I’m realizing that I have been in a valley for a week or two (or three?) and I am ready for the climb out.  It doesn’t even intimidate me.  I have climbed so many times it is like breathing. 

Not being able to fit in the vast majority of clothes doesn’t make me any less of a person.  It makes the majority of clothes makers out there unrealistic and prejudiced.  If you aren’t the size of the “average” woman or smaller, forget about finding clothes easily for yourself… and that is just ridiculous, because BY DEFINITION HALF (approx) of all women are going to be larger than average.  That is a WHOLE LOT OF WOMEN that are being left out by most clothing stores and this situation is, frankly, disgusting…. And, yet, sadly…. it is all too easy to feel that it is our fault for not fitting into the clothes at the GAP.  This is just insanity and we deserve better. 

Anyway… my problem has never been undiscipline and I am sick of it being framed that way by me or by others.  My obstacle has most often been a lack of self-regard, self-trust and self-love… and labelling myself in cruel ways isn’t a part of any of these three things.  I think when we start labelling ourselves undisciplined (etc..) that this is a red flag not in regards to our self-discipline, but in regards to our self-LOVE.  It’s a red flag that we aren’t seeing ourselves in a loving and healthy way.  Becoming more of a hard-a$$ on ourselves isn’t the answer – this is further descent away from self-love.  TLC is what we need and deserve… and it’s time to remember that.  😉


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tornadodm3030b_468x312If you haven’t yet, pop over to Fat Fu and read Meowser’s post on Intuitive Eating.  I read it this evening and it was exactly what I needed to hear right now.  The validation within that post is phenomenal for me.

The quote that really validated me was:

The thing is, those it’s-bad/I-shouldn’t/I-want-it-even-more effects can persist for years — decades — after you cease trying to lose weight. (Remember the Ancel Keys semistarvation study? It doesn’t take much calorie restriction, or too long a period of time doing it, to potentially screw your head up but good.) That’s why not everyone can practice IE out of a book, or a blog post, without outside support (and why people with full-blown eating disorders can especially find it problematic).

I’ve been trying my darnedest (notice the implication that I’m failing) to practice IE and living by HAES principles for at least a couple of years.  The only thing I really think I have succeeded in is turning IE into another diet of “shoulds” and “should nots” with some “goods” and “bad” thrown in quite often.

I can truly say that, for me, it may take me a few years to really get a hang of living intuitively.  For meowser to point out that it may take some people decades to retrain their brain to think along the lines of being intuitive was a god send for me.  I’ve been beating myself up for not being “farther along” than I had thought I would be.  I’ve been wondering what is wrong with me that I can’t get the hang of IE or HAES as quickly and fully as I would like to.  After I read Meowser’s post, I started putting some thought into what’s going on in my brain regarding IE and my seemingly opposition to living it.

Of course, the first thing that pops into my mind is that I’m now 45 years old and I’ve been dieting since I was 7 years old.  I’ve been told by my parents, society, my “friends”, complete strangers yelling at me out of their cars as I walk around the track and salespeople that I’m fat and need to lose weight.  I’ve been led to believe for 38 years that I’m not good enough, I’m lazy, I’m worthless, I’m “bad”, I’m ugly and I’m stupid. 

Only last year did my doctor get on board and see that I was more than just a fat person in his office.  Before that I was told by all of my doctors that I “had” to lose weight….no reason why, just lose weight.  An old gynecologist of mine told me that even though I’m in my time frame for perimenopause that I probably wasn’t having hot flashes, I was just wearing a “permanent jacket” and that I needed to lose weight.  (Notice I said he’s an old gyno of mine….don’t go to him anymore.)  The therapist that I found in my city, who I thought would be able to help me so much told me within the second or third visit that I needed to either lose weight or have gastric bypass surgery.  He said that the root of most of my problems was my weight.  As a child I was taught to respect my elders, believe the professionals, blah, blah, blah, I believed all these professionals.  “They’re professionals, they must be right!”

My first diet was Weight Watchers at the age of 7.  My sister was constantly dieting (still is) and she and my mom decided I always needed to be on a diet.  I can’t tell you how many organized diets I went on from elementary school through high school but it was a lot of them.  My parents shelled out the money to get me to look thin.  Each time I lost the weight, only to gain it back plus more.  When I dropped out of college and disappointed my father yet again, I started working in a factory with over 300 women (very few men) and a friend of mine and I joined Weight Watchers (probably for my 10th time) and every week we would meet at the WW weigh in, sit down in the small chairs that were placed WAY too close together and listen to the wonders of dieting.  I lost over 50 pounds at that time.  Within a year I had gained almost all of it back.

I’ve taken dexatrim, fen phen (or however you spell it), done Nutri-System, WW, The Diet Center, the grapefruit and boiled egg diet, the Mayo Clinic diet, the cabbage soup diet, 1200 calorie diet, 1500 calorie diet, 1800 calorie diet, American Heart Association Diet, Diet for Diabetics, the Food Pyramid Diet, etc….and now apparently, the IE diet.  My point is, I’ve done this for a freakin’ 35 years!  It’s engrained in my brain to choose grilled chicken instead of fried, to look at labels to count calories, fats, fibers, sodium, etc…, to eat a salad with low fat dressing instead of full fat dressing.

So after thinking through all that, I had a real AHA moment.  Not only is that engrained in my brain but so is the sense of rebellion that comes from restricting and dieting.  From the time I was a child and going to WW, I was sneaking food into my room at night or sneaking to the store to buy candy and eating it before my parents found out.  When I got old enough to drive, I would eat my diet meal at home then make an excuse to go out, go through a drive-thru and snarf down all I could.  Of course, on the way home I had to drive with my windows down to get rid of the smell of the food.  In college I would eat one meal with my “friends” and then go to my room and find something else to eat.  I still do that today.  I still get the sense that someone is trying to control what I eat because I’ve lived it for so long.  You cannot turn on the news without seeing a diet related news story or a story about obesity or about the stupid airlines charging fat people double for a ticket.  You can’t pick up a single magazine without a whole 4 page layout being dedicated to the “right foods” or what you “shouldn’t eat”.  My mind instantly goes into rebellion stage. 

My AHA moment:  I’ve been in this rebellion stage for about 3 years now.  I have purposely over-analyzed and over-thought IE and HAES to the point of rebellion….just as I did with dieting.   I know in my heart that IE is what I want to be about.  It’s how I want to live my life but as soon as I rededicate my life to it, the rebellion rears it’s ugly head.  I turn IE into a diet.  I have turned IE into another set of rules and by doing that, I’ve created the rebellion that comes from restriction. 

What do I mean by that?  As soon as I pick up my IE book and refresh my memory of things, I start saying, “yeah, I can have ANYTHING I WANT, WHENEVER I WANT, HOWEVER I WANT, IN THE QUANTITIES I WANT.”  Yes, my brain does go in that direction.  My brain is still functioning in the “rebellion from restricting” phase.  There is no middle ground.  There is either restriction or rebellion.  Even if I post about it and I sound like I could be a guest speaker for IE, I’m still taking it to the extreme and not seeing the “intuitive” part of it.  35 years of dieting has brainwashed me to believe there are only two ways to live – restriction or rebellion – and I can tell you from personal experience they are both hell!

I would really like to open this up for discussion because I feel like this really has me stuck.  Any ideas on how to deprogram my brain?

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I seem to be in some awkward transition period.  Well, it’s not awkward for me.  It just feels awkward when it comes to blogging.  However, I know me.  I’ve been writing posts for years and I’ve been through lulls before.  So, I hope ya’all can bear with me.  If not, of course, fair enough.  I still love ya’all.  😉

So… random thoughts and stuff I’ve been up to:

~ AGR the wonder-hermit went to paintball and it was FUN!  Whooo hoooo!  Frankly, I really just went to spend time with some my favorite ex-coworkers.  I never had such nice co-worker relationships and I really wanted to keep in touch with an ex-supervisee and ex-supervisor.  Turns out, the outing was worth it for the paintball as well.  I am also kinda tickled about my scratched up knees and bruises.  It makes me feel like I’m a kid again… like I’ve been falling off my bike or something as a 10-yr-old popping wheelies.  I’m really proud of myself for going out and taking a risk, especially when I certainly didn’t feel like I could offer any competitive edge to my paintball team.  However, next time… I think I will be more of an asset.  Turns out, I’m a great shot!

~ I had a really successful interview on Wednesday.  I think it is pretty likely that I will get a job offer and soon.  The senior hiring manager especially seemed to like me and there was only one task that is part of the job description that I didn’t have very specific experience already in.  In fact, in just interviewing me, they gleaned some tips from me about how to do certain things.  I am guessing and hoping that that is a good sign.  The semi-annoying bit is that this job would be for the company I am on leave from right now.  But… at least the team has a very lenient work-from-home policy so that the most annoying thing – the commute – will be minimized.  This job would be full-time… and at least moderate stress.  Ya, I know… I just posted that I decided on part-time, but some unexpected financial issues have come up and I’d feel best just knocking them out right away with the larger income that full-time work brings.  But, I still consider it a break-through to even seriously consider part-time.  I know feel like part-time may be a really great option for me in the future… maybe in a year or two.  The snail pic is a reminder to myself to just take it easy and take things slow whatever happens. 

~As I have an eating disordered history, I have an old habit of posting about eating anomolies.  My recent love of mesculin and pre-cut salad mix from a bag reminds me of my days of restriction… except I’m not restricting.  Sometimes all I want is some nice crunchy greens.  Yesterday, I ended up eating a cupcake… cuz I thought that SHOULD be the treat I SHOULD want.  I wasn’t satisfied with the cupcake and I realized that another cupcake wasn’t going to help anything.  I ended up eating a large bowl of mesculin.  LOL  I was as happy as a bunny…  Life is good without the restriction!  Then this morning when all I wanted for breakfast was a Butterfinger bar, that wasn’t an issue either.  Sometimes I remember how much time I used to agonize in thoughts about food and eating and I don’t miss it a bit… and, I feel so free. 

~Right now, I’m trying to focus on just enjoying life.  Full-time work is prolly around the corner, so I want to get my leisure in while I still have time for it.  That is prolly part of why I am posting less.  I know that working full-time (for some odd reason) usually causes me to post MORE… so I’m trying to give my brain a bit of a rest before I get back to the grind.

~I had some random thoughts about whether I think it’s fun to be me or not.  The funny thing is… if I tell myself that it CAN be fun to be me, then I easily find myself making things fun… as opposed to what I struggle with all too often: doing things that I would expect would be fun and managing to make them completely unfun with critical thoughts and weird framing of the activity.  Like… that time I turned reading a novel into a judgement of my entire future career success.  Talk about sucking the fun out of something!  Sheesh… So…. is it fun being you?  How could you make being you more fun?  <<< challenge to readers!  🙂

~I heard something on NPR yesterday that struck me deeply.  It was a neurologist (or some such specialist) talking about the myth of multi-tasking.  She said that no-one really multi-tasks.  She said that what people call multi-tasking is really jumping back and forth between different things and compromising our effort that we could’ve made had we just focused on one thing.  I think this is just awesome… cuz I have been beating my head against the struggle to multi-take (it seems like) my whole life!  Sure, somethings I can just multi-task naturally… like I can cook various things at once.  I often read or write while there is some radio or tv background noise on.  However… I’ve felt for years this guilt that I didn’t multi-task better in other ways… and I realized what a hard and unfair time I’ve been giving myself.  I realized that it is time to allow myself to FOCUS on one thing when this makes sense to me… instead of trying to calculate when multi-tasking might make sense to anyone but me and trying to live up to those standards.  *headdesk*  It also helped that I read something some weeks ago about some of the best listeners doodle while listening!  Holy cripes!  I stopped doodling years ago, cuz I was afraid it was something “immoral.”  Seriously.  So… I let myself doodle doing my last interview and the information sunk in so beautifully.  I didn’t even doodle that much or doodle the whole time.  Only when it felt right… and damn that was awesome.  It gave me new faith in my brain’s ability to retain information and simply LISTEN. 

~I read something (can’t even remember where) about this movement of people who don’t use shampoo.  Some of them wash with a teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of water.  Some just wash with conditioner.  I hear that this can cause a little oil and grit at first, but once the scalp gets used to not being so harshly treated by shampoo that the oil and grit stops… and you just end up with amazing hair.  We shall see…  Because I have very sensitive skin and scalp, I am starting out with just washing with conditioner.  Today I washed twice with conditioner… and yeah… my hair feels different… but not “gross” at all, which is nice.  Often when I come out of the shower (after a shampoo), my hair turns into puffy straw in some parts of my head.  I get frizz in some places… and my hair just feels dry, crackley and brittle in other places.  Oil sheen (you can get it any your local grocery store or Walgreens-like store…. I currently use a spray made from olive oil, since mink oil has ethical connotations that I don’t like) has helped this a lot, but I’d like to see if I can find a solution that doesn’t include my stripping my hair and then adding oil back in.  😉  I am now experimenting to see if this no-shampoo thing will give me such a result. 

I think it is time for me to make some lunch.  😉 


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…walking around like normal people… and they DON’T KNOW THEY ARE DUMB… <<shivers>> Yeah, I’m looking at YOU – MSNBC.  *headdesk*

Chocolate cookies have something in common with crack. Neuroscientists increasingly report that fat-and-sugar combinations light up the brain’s dopamine pathway — its pleasure-sensing spot — the same pathway that conditions people to alcohol or drugs.

Oh, good god!!!  Cookies have something in common with crack!!!  Like… they both exist on this earth.  They both can be made in kitchens!!  They both cause pleasure responses in the brain!  Alarming right??!!!????!!!  By this criteria, we should also fear orgasms, jogging and really ripe strawberries that are just oh so amazing. 

Did you know that my bed quilt has something in common is serial killers!!!???!!!  It has mass and weight and is three-dimensional!  Get your helmets, folks!!

I just love how these article point out the OBVIOUS and make it sound like some kinda disaster, when these types of connections and be drawn all over the place between all sorts of things that really aren’t connected.  Sigh…

How’s this for a descriptive sentence:

Food hijacked Dr. David Kessler’s brain. 

I can see it now.  Evil looking cookies holding a gun to his head and making him fat(ter) by their mere EXISTENCE! 

The scientist who once led the government’s attack on addictive cigarettes can’t wander through part of San Francisco without craving a local shop’s chocolate-covered pretzels. Stop at one cookie? Rarely.

It’s not an addiction but it’s similar, and he’s far from alone. Kessler’s research suggests millions share what he calls “conditioned hypereating” — a willpower-sapping drive to eat high-fat, high-sugar foods even when they’re not hungry.

This part really makes me giggle.  Did this guy ever consider that perhaps “conditioned hypereating” is CAUSED by dieting?  No?  Didn’t think so…  Hah.  Conditioned hypereating caused by diets.  Fits pretty well, yes?  And yet, I don’t see anyone researching that. 

Otherwise, this article is chock full of other types of diet ignorance such as labelling some foods “bad” and this little nugget of brilliance:

Retrain the brain to think, “I’ll hate myself if I eat that,” Kessler advises.

Followed by this:

“I’ve learned to eat things I like but things I can control,” Kessler says. But he knows the old circuitry dies hard: “You stress me enough and I’ll go pick up that bagel.”

Yay!  Self-esteem BASED on what one eats!  We all know how well that works out…. not well at all.  😉  Why not train the brain to play an instrument or learn a new language or to play chess?  Why all this effort to retrain the brain to base self-esteem on food?  Oh man… the stupid!  It burnsssssssssssssssssssssss….

Oh yeah, and stress-eating?  We all do it.  Even thin people.  Even normal eaters.  It’s called being HUMAN.  We also like to eat in celebration at times and to overeat foods that we know we may not have again for a really long time.  Oh gee… do you think there is some correllation to dieting and this so-called hypereating?  The body may say… “well, darn… I’m not going to get cookies again for AGES, so I better eat as many as possible before his defenses go back up again!!”  Forbidding foods can cause binging and overeating on them.  In my experience, the most effective way to deal with this is to un-forbid these things… not to go even further in the restrictive direction.  *headdesk*

There are a few research points in the article meant to prove the point that cookies are BAD.  All of them did nothing to convince me, frankly.  There was nothing new in there to me.  But, I did find this one particularly interesting:

First, the team found that even well-fed rats will work increasingly hard for sips of a vanilla milkshake with the right fat-sugar combo but that adding sugar steadily increases consumption. Many low-fat foods substitute sugar for the removed fat, doing nothing to help dieters eat less, Kessler and University of Washington researchers concluded.

I have experienced this myself.  I’ve noticed that high sugar foods sometimes make me feel so dehydrated – which makes me want more high-sugar foods, if I don’t realize that what I really need is more water.  If hydration isn’t readily available, I find it extremely hard to put down the bad of Sour Patch Kids, for example, since they are very sugary.  However, if I eat them slowly and make sure I have water readily available, I don’t have this problem at all.  I’d be interested to find out more about this study and what the over-all set-up for the rats were.  Were the rats on a restricted diet?  Was water readily available as they ate this high-sugar stuff?  Maybe rats don’t even know that water would stop the “omg… I don’t like the taste of this, but somehow I cannot stop eating this” reaction – when it stems from an unpleasant reaction to high-sugar.  Does anyone else have this reaction to high-sugar content?  Or… high-salt even… I get this reaction with potato chips as well.  😉

 My posting (and responding to comments) has been light lately… as some of you may have noticed.  I had an awesome time paintballing on Saturday and my quads have been recovering.  Seriously.  It has been very painful just to get out of chairs… and this situation hasn’t caused lots of great blogging on my part.  I expect a few more slow days (perhaps), before I get back into the swing of things.  I have some appointments today and an interview tomorrow, so I shall be focusing on those things.  But who knows… maybe I’ll blog even more during this period… I cannot predict my own reactions to such things.  😉  However, forgive me if I’m a little slow this week.


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Check it out!  Teeny maple leaves!  LOL…

Back to the point of this post.  😉  I used to think that I would only be really free if I had no needs or opinions.  Needs and opinions would limit me.  This especially came to mind in terms of getting or keeping a job.  I have been very shy to have any needs or preferences at all… as if I am supposed to be some slave to whoever employs me.  *headdesk*  I’m rethinking all these things now that I’m applying for jobs and reframing my needs as being something that FREES is touching my life in so many little ways that have nothing to do with the job hunt… it’s just lovely!

I’ve felt like I shouldn’t have any preference as to working full-time or part-time.  The thing is that my fiance has a job that pays very well.  We don’t NEED me to work full-time.  Working part-time would be very advantageous, because the extra free-time could be used to make sure dishes actually get washed and bills get paid on time… things that didn’t happen so well when both of us were working full-time (and a lot of over-time as well…).  However, I dunno… I had something stuck in my head about it being my “duty” to make as much money as possible – screw whatever I want or whatever he wants or whatever might make for a better work/life balance.  I’ve been ignoring what I really felt was right for me..  While I gave lip-service to the part-time idea, I didn’t really take it seriously… and I have a feeling that may have been because it was exactly what I did prefer.  Cuz, ya know… if I prefer it, it must be the “easy” way.  It must be the “lazy” way.  There’s some healthy self-respect for ya, eh?  *headdesk* 

Today I realized that part-time is something that I’d really like to try out.  It would give us that little extra infusion of cash so that we can afford some small treats in life and I would still have enough time outside of work to make sure we have clean-undies and stuff.  It’s not that the boyfriend will not do house-work.  He will.  However, he really loves his job and his job takes really good care of us, so I feel like my being able to focus on these things to some extent could work very well. 

The neat bit is that acknowledging and honoring my preferences and needs here feels FREEING.  It doesn’t feel limitting… it doesn’t feel confining – like I always feared it would.  What do you know?!?! 

I’ve been noticing this theme in my life so much lately… this thing about honoring needs being freeing rather than limitting.  Eating before I’m starved is freeing – not some annoying inconvenience… for example. 

I have a feeling this feeling that having needs is somehow imprisoning is something that many of our readers can relate to… Have you been there?  Where are you at with getting over it?  If you have overcome this issue, how did you do so?


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